+ FINE ART[/fade]
[fade]Gloria Muriel (Glow) is a fine artist and muralist. She is a Mexico City native, raised in Mexicali and resides in San Diego. She has a degree in Graphic Design from Universidad Iberoamericana (Tijuana).
Gloria celebrates the inspiration of divine feminine in her artwork with a surreal whimsical psychedelic connection to Mother Earth and the 4 elements. She is influenced by her inner child and being a mother of two girls, one blessed within the autism spectrum, she highlights the beauty of innocence and wonder.[/fade]
[fade]Over the years, Gloria has accomplished numerous murals and collaborations throughout the US and Mexico. Much of her work is spread throughout San Diego, partnering with nonprofits, city departments, corporations and private commissions.
Her previous clients include: Children’s Hospital, Pangea Seed Murals for Oceans, Autism Tree Project, High Tech High, San Diego Autism Society, San Diego Foundation, Rady Children’s Specialists, and SPARC (LA).[/fade]
[fade]Children’s Hospital
Pangea Seed Murals for Oceans
Autism Tree Project
High Tech High
San Diego Autism Society
San Diego Foundation
Rady Children’s Specialists
Dolores Huerta Foundation
Comic-Con San Diego
Holiday Inn Express
Mexican Consulate
Cerveza Urbana
KAABOO Music Festival
Joshua Tree Music Festival
San Diego School District
LA School District
Northern Pine Brewing Co.
San Diego Mesa College
Muriel Salon
Goldline Salon
I Love My Dentist[/fade]
[fade]San Diego Mesa College
Hyde Art Gallery
Loft Gallery at UCSD
Sparks Gallery San Diego
Oceanside Museum of Art
Kaaboo Festival San Diego
Visual Gallery
WetPaint Tokio
Regime Contemporary Gallery Los Angeles
Estación Federal Tijuana
Wynwood Walls Miami
Entijuanarte Tijuana
San Diego Bread and Salt Latin American festival
The Studio Door San Diego
CEART Mexicali[/fade]